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Building Inclusive Societies

Erasmus+ Training Course


Coordinator: Agora Aveiro, Portugal

Partners: PIN, Serbia, SSW, Germany, Mentor, Croatia

Objective: "To provide youth workers, volunteers, activists, and educators, with theoretical and practical knowledge about the refugee/immigration situation in Europe and explore ways of facilitating the inclusion of refugees and immigrants in general in their new local communities, using local activism and youth work. (2023)"

Page reference: Link

Training's objective:

"We aim to provide participants with information crucial for understanding migration and inclusion, to share with them several practical tools for fighting discrimination and building an inclusive society. Through workshops, lectures, interactive presentations, and discussions hosted by experts and those with experience on the subject, participants will learn about different approaches to this situation which will hopefully inspire them to act and to share their knowledge."

*reference link

During the training, many creative expressions were practiced that engaged the participants both intellectually and artistically. In particular, the power of Theater of the Oppressed touched everyone's heart-mind. 

To raise awareness around the topic of Building Inclusive Societies we performed two main public interventions in Aveiro, Portugal:

1. Human Library  

2. "gorilla" public performance/intervention  


The idea of this Human Library was to provide the public with "living books" (humans) and their stories around the topic and the phenomenon of forced migration. In this event, people were encouraged to engage in a conversation with the living books and their stories. The aim was to expose and create safe spaces for the public to learn about other humans, firsthand, face-to-face, who would otherwise never come in contact with. 


The "Gorilla" intervention sought to raise awareness by creating elements of surprise in the public space. In this case by playing with the monuments of the city of Aveiro and a  performative appearance. The aim was to engage the public and directly come into conversation with them around the topic. 

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